Ethanol in Gasoline Analyser

The FluidInspectIR® Ethanol in Gasoline analyser measures the ethanol volumetric % concentration  in gasoline samples with the same accuracy as conventional oil laboratories reports using Mid Infrared Spectroscopy. The 2-3ml of oil sample is dispensed into the inlet tubing of the flow-cell via a syringe. The flow-cell is placed into the analyser and the measurement is started from the software. The software is an easy-to-use GUI ran from a Tablet / Laptop  (windows 10).

About FluidInspectIR

FluidInspect IR - Portable is a rugged, robust, portable measurement system that is used in several industrial application fields like oil condition monitoring and fuel analysis. The system is battery  powered and can be used portably or as a benchtop system. The system comes set up for the desired application and the measurement output is in conventional laboratory units therefore makes the analyser the system of choice for engineers and operators.